Technical Issues

Learn how to troubleshoot your log-in and password issues

How do I log into my Fringe account?

Try­ing to access the mar­ket­place to browse or select ben­e­fits? Try­ing to pur­chase more points for your account?

Vis­it http://​app​.fringe​.us/ to access your Fringe account.

Every time a user receives points they will receive noti­fi­ca­tion by email. These points can be sourced through employ­ers, man­agers, or even peers that have gift­ed them.

Trou­ble log­ging in? Click the eye icon on the pass­word bar to make sure you’ve spelled every­thing cor­rect­ly. If you’re still hav­ing issues, click ​“For­got pass­word?” to receive a pass­word reset email to the email asso­ci­at­ed with your account, or you can always reach out to our sup­port team.

My Email is Not in Auth System

It looks like you have not acti­vat­ed your account! You just need to open your ​“Wel­come to Fringe” email and set your pass­word. Once you set a pass­word and ver­i­fy your email address, you should be able to log into the mar­ket­place. If you are still hav­ing trou­ble or can’t find your email, our team would be hap­py to help! Please send us a note at support@​fringe.​us. We def­i­nite­ly don’t want you to miss out on future ben­e­fits because you’re hav­ing trou­ble get­ting into your account!

Reset Your Password

Maybe you for­got your pass­word or maybe you’re just tired of it. Either way, we make it easy to update your pass­word! There are two ways:

On the main login screen, click ​“For­got pass­word?” to be sent a pass­word reset email. The email will come to the pri­ma­ry email address for your Fringe account. Fol­low the instruc­tions and then you’ll be back into your account in no time!

Your pass­word can also be reset from with­in the plat­form. Click on the Top Menu in the upper right-hand cor­ner of the page and select ​“Account” from the drop down menu. The first head­ing will have your pass­word and com­pa­ny name list­ed. Click change to update your exist­ing password.

How do I contact support?

Fringe offers unmatched sup­port for our users. We know that sub­mit­ting an issue or prob­lem is nev­er fun and that you need a response, fast. That’s why live chat is our pre­ferred method to alle­vi­ate any sup­port con­cerns you may have. You can reach us from any part of our web­site at any time. If out­side of office hours, we’ll return your mes­sage with­in 1 – 2 busi­ness days.

Our sup­port team is ready to help trou­bleshoot issues you’re expe­ri­enc­ing and lis­ten to your requests. We want to hear from you!

Don’t want to Chat?

No prob­lem. Email us at support@​fringe.​us and we’ll be in touch!

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